Smashing Self-Employment

The Ultimate Guide to Self-Employment Survival and Success

In this book you’ll find down-to-earth advice if you’re self-employed. It’s no rags-to-riches story, just a collection of some of the best lessons I’ve learned as a self-employed businessman.

There’s no theoretical or high-minded waffle, just simple ideas that you can put into action almost immediately.

You’ll find help in areas such as:

  • getting and keeping customers (usually called sales and marketing)
  • Getting more done in less time (and with less stress too)
  • Looking after your number 1 asset; YOU
  • Making your business easier to manage and grow
  • And loads more

No matter where you are in your self-employed journey you’ll find loads to help in Smashing Self-Employment.

Buy the book

You can buy the paperback through Amazon or as a PDF download right here:

About the author

Karl Craig-West is an award-winning self-employed businessman, author, coach and speaker.

Karl started his self-employed life at 19 and has met with great success and plenty of failure (including going bankrupt in 2008).

He shares many of the key lessons of all of this through his book, business events and through his website:

What readers have to say about Smashing Self-Employment

James Blacklaws
Director, JB Commercial Finance

Smashing Self Employment is a back to basics, no nonsense book about the roller coaster ride that is starting a business or trying to survive (and thrive) in self employment.

Karl details his ups and downs and presents his experience in a no thrills way, which serves as a great book to keep an existing business owner on track as a reference guide or as an ideal ‘start up’ book to present to a budding entrepreneur who needs guidance as they begin their self employment journey.

Fully recommended!

Paul Chapman
Director, Marketing Jumpleads

“I love the way Karl puts this stuff across.

If you’re running a small business then this book just hits the nail on the head because it’s just packed with useful information that’s easy to read and understand.

Not many authors provide such straightforward help for those who are self-employed and this book gives you plenty.”

Sharon Ireland
Property Investment Specialist

“Karl’s conversational style of writing and the degree of candour he writes with, regarding his own struggles and successes with self-employment, is very refreshing and enlightening.

The bite-size chapters are ‘to the point’ and are packed full of excellent tips and advice from a small business owner who clearly speaks from experience.

‘Smashing Self-Employment is an invaluable tool for anyone thinking of joining the ranks of the self-employed or for those have already made the leap and who may be struggling.”

Vimal Chauhan
Director, Executive Chauffeurs

“Started reading this and within 10 minutes I’d picked up 3 things I can put into effect in my business right away.

Karl puts the information across in such a straightforward way.”

Buy the book

You can buy the paperback through Amazon or as a PDF download right here: